Anna Barton

©2025 Anna Barton

    My primary goal is to express the sense of wonder I hold for the world around me.

Beauty, simplicity and tranquility are the main sources of my inspiration. They lead me to a place where magic happens. If I were a musician, my instrument of choice would be the lute. But in the silent terrain of visual art my wish is to express the deepest feelings residing in me. I record the world as if seen for the first time, accompanied by the feeling of falling in love. My camera of choice is the simplest technical device, a pinhole camera. This camera allows me the greatest freedom and spontaneity. My images are made intuitively, without a viewfinder. During the long exposure I experience fleeting time in a deeper sense and uncover an unknown perception and reality. Taking a pinhole photograph becomes a ceremonial connection between my mind, body, and nature.
